AFTER putting up with a load of rubbish for and on behalf of the LibDems mainly in Burnley, I feel after the events which unfolded at their conference that I should also be allowed to comment on the misleading information being put forward by this party.

You will hear their constant claims that the financial crisis is down solely to the last government.

Not so, and they shouldn’t be allowed to peddle such claims.

The evidence against is overwhelming, Mr Clegg claimed, that the deficit was down to Labour.

Is he really saying that the government of the day should have stood back and done nothing?

Is he saying that they should have let the banks collapse and let the country slip into bankruptcy?

Sorry, no responsible government could have done that. They have to step in and bale out the banks at the same time as battling recession.

It was expensive, I agree, but it worked. Now we have an irresponsible government hell-bent on making everyone but the people who caused it pay the price, even allowing those same people to pay themselves massive bonuses again.

Vince Cable, with refreshing candour, told it as it was: the fault of the banks.

He went on to say that the spivs and gamblers have done more damage to this country than anyone else ever could, while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer.

That came after Mervin King’s admission the week before that it was his and the banking system’s fault for the financial crisis.

The LibDems seem to put their faith in the psychological belief that if you repeat something often enough, people will eventually believe it.

I think that was a theory propounded by Jung and Adler but it only works for a short while. When caught out, they face a terrible backlash.

K ROYLE (Mr), Wordsworth Street, Burnley.