Regarding the axing of Business Link in the North West.

Reactions to this news seem varied across the internet, many feeling that the Business Link Network has taken a downward spiral in its service provision and essentially only sign-posting.

However it is with concern for the small and start up business sector I watch on.

Many of those who consulted these services were in no position to pay for business consultancy fees, and although BL may be lacking in its provision, it has had as many supporters as it does critics, most of those supporters being the actual users of the service.

We can only hope that those requiring input and advice can still source reputable consultants and mentors, else fall prey to a whole host of opportunity for those seeking to exploit this news as a golden opportunity.

The small and midsized business has a valuable role to play in our bid to overcome recession.

Let’s hope the government is true to its word and works towards setting up improved provisions.

Jill C via email