David Cameron, the leader of the Tory party, promised that when making cuts the vulnerable would not be affected.

Yet George Osborne, his chancellor, in his first budget, announced cuts to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) which could take £400,000 off this benefit.

How disgusting.

The whole nation is supposed to mourn the passing of Ivan, David Cameron’s disabled son.

It seems he has no sense of fairness. Policitians do not pay council tax. I as a disabled person do.

We could pull out of the EU to save us £35 billion a year.

We could scrap Trident and we could pull out of Afghanistan. We could get rid of all the NHS managers on massive salaries.

But to target the disabled has to be the true face of the Tory Party.

They were even against the introduction of the minimum wage which really did give people an incentive to work.

William Morton BSc Hons Bawdlands, Clitheroe