It really annoys me when people say that it’s the same breeds of dogs over and over again attacking small children.

ANY dog can attack at any time. I work with all breeds of dogs and it’s the breeds you don’t think will snap that do i.e collies, retrievers, westies, terriers.

I think breeders need to be monitored a lot more and possibly only allowed to breed a limited amount of breeds, as well as breeding a limited amount of times from the same bitch.

You get these places which breed a variety of different types, sometimes breeding animals which aren’t suitable.

Keeping them in unsuitable conditions, buyers then come along feel sorry for the poor pup, buy it, then the money is back in the unsuitable breeders pocket! It needs to be stopped. Unfortunately if the law is ever changed it means good quality breeders who know what they are doing get tarred with the same brush and have to pay for it!

It all comes down to good breeding, responsible ownership, and consistent training.

Joanne Smith, via email.