IN reply to the topic on Pembrokshire badgers, let’s look at the plan to start a mass cull – the reason, with no solid proof, for this action is that badgers spread TB to the cattle via ticks that live in the badger’s fur.

Surely cows and badgers have lived side by side for generations, so why now is a mass cull ordered?

I know in the past in so-called problem areas they have killed badgers by gassing, but not on such a large scale.

Do we want to wipe out the Welsh badger population?

Now let’s look at the killing of foxes. Fox hunting is treating the quarry, the same way as the fox treats his quarry. All because of the kill and the bloodlust.

What about the grey squirrel, being shot and trapped in great numbers? There must be a lot of people in Britain who have never seen a red squirrel. The grey was common because the grey carries a virus that wipes out the red. We swap grey for red and them only let limited people see a few.

What is the point of having animal protection groups that don’t speak out or take action against a government hell bent on the destruction of British wildlife?

In some areas, tourism is the backbone of the working community, a switch from traditional farming.

How will people be able to make a living out of tourism when they have slaughtered all the wildlife?

The main reason for holidays in the country is to see the wildlife in its natural surrounding.

Fight now. Don’t let the badger be the scapegoat.

TREVOR STUBBS, Meadow Side, Clitheroe.