THE issue of switching some hospital services to Blackburn to Burnley is only the tip of the iceberg. How many nurses have been brought from overseas and agency nurses employed, whilst there were qualified ones looking for jobs?

The time to get to Queens Park Hospital, Blackburn, from Burnley General has been discussed, what about the time to get from where the ambulance is to the person and then go to Queens Park?

Once you come off the motorway, even with a blue light flashing, there is no way to overtake.

I know a person who was at the back of the hospital and sent for an ambulance and had to wait one hour 40 minutes.

Also one who had to be transferred from Burnley General to Blackpool for a minor operation at midday, but it was the middle of the afternoon before the ambulance came and it was 5pm when he got to Blackpool.

These things can only get worse. I think this proposed structure calls for some resignations.