REGARDING Ben Turner's report on Intack Primary School being placed in "special measures" for a second time (LET, May 6).

Apparently Labour Government legislation will close down the school and others like it if improvements are not made in the next 12 months.

Simon Jones, NUT executive member for Lancashire, explains that the Ofsted assessment does not take into account an overload' of pupils with various needs, ie behavioural problems and learning difficulties a fair comment and one which should rightly be taken into consideration.

Bureaucratic legislation, handed from this so-called Government, via Ofsted and the LEA to our schools, means that teachers are bogged down with unnecessary paperwork and rules which impede their ability to get on with their jobs.

It would not be in the least bit surprising if we end up with a shortage of teachers in the UK and Mr Blair happily imports even more economic migrants to fill their places as he has done with just about everything else.

For local councillors such as Dave Hollings to interfere with crude comments makes one wonder upon his own qualifications.

I hope the NUT considers making contributions towards a sympathetic right wing political party that will put them and our teachers back in charge of our schools. As opposed to the manufactured Blairism that spouts from Unison during the run-up to our elections.

If we close our schools, where do our pupils go? Perhaps to yet another new Labour-induced academy which makes millions for private investors who want peerages.

ROBIN J EVANS, British National Socialist Party, Danvers Street, Rishton.