RE the story "Work of art set for quarry (LET, February 15). Local residents near the proposed panopticon in the Ribble Valley say that the area will become congested as visitors flock to the site.

Well, one set of visitors will be conspicuous by their absence if the artist's impression is anything to go by the disabled!

How are they supposed to see over a four metre wall, as the viewing platform seems to consist of a large number of steps? I don't see any lift or ramp.

This structure is supposed to be a work of "art".

Do the disabled not have any artistic leanings? Why should they be excluded from these "wonderful" views?

The NWDA wants to encourage tourism and economic benefits to the area but to the exclusion of an important, but vulnerable group of society.

LAURENCE YATES, Hawkshaw Avenue, Darwen.