I HAVE been noticing some very dangerous speed instructions for quite some time now, and I feel that if they don't stop, there is going to be a pile-up on the M65.

When one is driving along the M65 you come across a speed reduction to 50mph, then a little later to 40 and then to 30. A a few miles further on it changes to end'.

This is fine when there is something on the motorway, but there is no reason for such restrictions when it is clear. This is occurring often and now, because drivers are used to it, they are ignoring these restrictions.

When the time comes for a legitimate reason for the signs being lit, the drivers will think it's just another false alarm, and the inevitable will happen. I know it's illegal to ignore these signs, but human nature being what it is, they will be ignored.

EDWARD KELLY, via e-mail.