I AM disgusted Burnley Council is contemplating charging participants in amateur football for parking in the grounds of Towneley Park.

This would prove a disastrous move that would affect the already dwindling numbers who participate in the local league.

I help to run a side in the Burnley Sunday League and know how much of a financial struggle it is to keep a club afloat without decent sponsorship. More expense is the last thing clubs need.

The parking area at Towneley is exactly that, a parking area. It is not a piece of ground that is utilised in any other manner and therefore, if people didn't park on it, it would just remain empty.

The footballers are not denying any other opportunities, which could justify a charge.

The amateur footballing scene is a great catharsis for many people and, should this charge be introduced, many would feel that playing football at the weekend is simply too expensive.We don't want to see our amateur game go the way of the professionals and alienate the classes who made the game what it is.

The only justification for this charge would be to see the majority of the money made reinvested in the already very poor playing areas.

The investment made at the Prairie playing fields was the best thing to happen to amateur football in Burnley. It would be great if Towneley followed suit.