I PLAY football Saturdays and Sundays at Towneley Park, Burnley.

Now I have found out that not only does Burnley Council want to charge us £35 to hire an unkempt, mistreated and dog excrement soiled pitch, it also wants to charge each player to park on the public car park next to the changing room.

A few questions came to mind when I heard this. The first one was is this a joke?' But then I realised that this was just another way to make money from people trying to enjoy a hobby.

I would not mind if the money we pay for the pitches was used to keep them in good order but we are paying to use a public park which at any other time would be free.

It is a ludicrous suggestion that we will now need to pay more to park as well.

The government is trying to get people more active.

It seems Burnley Council is trying to make people less active.

The spiralling cost of trying to organise a kick around on a Sunday morning is getting beyond a joke and this could be the final straw for a lot of people and is starting to put people off turning up.

This would just be an extra insult from the council.

DAVID BEET, Paradise Island FC, Burnley.