WITH reference to the £20million rapid transit scheme to relieve congestion around Blackburn bus station, proudly announced by regeneration supremo Councillor Andy Kay (LET, January 9).

I believe I have come up with a revolutionary and brilliant solution to many of the congestion problems there.

Where the "wonderful" fountains and "works of art" are positioned on the area formerly known as Church Street and I know that this may take some imagination build a thoroughfare!

Yes! And wait for it, let through traffic travel up and down from Salford to Darwen Street leaving buses to use the bus station. Brilliant!

Yes, it's revolutionary but I think it would work. I have one niggling doubt. It's so obvious and makes so much common sense someone may have thought of it before.

Seriously, it really is a scandal that with every expensive, crazy traffic scheme comes greater congestion.

Why did it take the overpaid geniuses at the now defunct East Lancs Partnership four years to decide trams won't go up hills and then scrap the light rail/tram scheme?

The funding packages they speak of seem to be burning a hole in the council's pockets.

Does anyone ever question the cost of these ludicrous investigations, surveys and schemes?

When are these people going to be made accountable for their ineffective, impractical and wasteful ideas?

Who supplies the common sense?

L K CULSHAW, Sunnyside Avenue, Blackburn.