After Maureen Bateson’s letter (November 30), I thought my lifelong experiences may be of interest.

From the age of eight, I took the service we public use for granted. I caught a regular train from Mill Hill to Blackburn each school day morning and returned to Mill Hill at a regular time each afternoon.

I also caught a tram, it was always there at the regular time, mornings and afternoons. Later I caught a bus from Moorgate to Blackburn and returned each afternoon – they were regular too.

Buses and trams were also helpfully supplied with conductors, obliging to passengers and I suppose helpful to drivers, also taken for granted by me.

In later life, I found Dial-a-ride, an improvement to our town’s transport. I didn’t even miss the helpfulness of our transport’s conductors. They were a help and important part of public transport (some of the bad old days were very good). I have also been a passenger on Community Wheels.

I agree that a public bus service is needed. Conductors would be an improvement. I have never had problems with Dial-a-ride’s dependable services.

IVY SQUIRES, Crosby Road, Blackburn.