Every weekend before we can play football on the council-owned pitches at Pleasington, Pleckgate, Blacksnape and other venues, we have to walk the area of the pitches and pick up dog faeces which thoughtless owners have left behind them.

These pitches are used by hundreds of men, women and children each weekend and it is not a pleasant task so to do. There are obvious health risks if any of this material is not seen and dealt with. There are lots of people who enjoy walking their dogs in these delightful surroundings and, on the whole, most are responsible owners who carry bags and leave the pitches as they find them. It is to the others that I am addressing this letter. This is a growing problem that needs to be tackled. I have contacted the local authority to see what can be done about this.

It is a criminal offence not to tidy up after your dog, so please do the right thing.

Bill Markham, Blackburn and District Football Combination.