The Community Action Group [CAG] of Great Harwood had a project called SOS (Support our Soldiers).

With the help of Nicki Mullin, the co-ordinator who was there to help and support us, our project was a huge success.

We sent 503 shoe boxes and collected over £700. I would like to thank everyone who took part.

Many thanks to shops who were our collection points – they were the Post Office, Eddleston’s the bakers and the Library and the Co-op.

Also thanks to Sandra from the sheltered housing at Rishton Eachill Gardens, and Mandy Rawstron from Clayton.

Also to Bank Mill House where it all took place and all the members of the CAG. Special thanks to Ian Wilkinson and Peter Holden, David Mason, the schools and businesses of Great Great Harwood so many people to thank – too numerous to mention.

The people of Great Harwood were very generous, thoughtful and kind and we hope we have given a little smile to our lads in Afghanistan. God Bless you all and merry Christmas .

Susan Shorrock, Great Harwood