IT seems that the General Election will soon be upon us, but in the meantime we are like rabbits trapped in the headlights transfixed and unable to do anything but watch this wonderful country of ours sliding ever deeper into recession, at the mercy of these ‘super incompetents’ – our present Labour Government.

However, when we examine the other options that will shortly be on offer, it seems there will be little promise there to stir our desires to rush out and vote to end this sad situation.

Gordon Brown has plunged us into the EU (without our permission) and sold our birthright for a mess of pottage.

He is quite happy to apologise for matters well outside his time and influence, but totally unable to accept his reponsibilty for the financial disaster which he and his government has led us into. The other two parties – the Conservatives and Liberals – are little better. Cameron’s ‘cast iron guarantee’ of an EU electoral referendum vote (along with his phoney EU scepticism) has already been reneged upon.

The Liberals have always fully supported PM Brown in his traitorous activities and are totally in favour of our remaining in the EU and being governed by them.

There is a very real prospect of a ‘hung’ Parliament coming out of this election and Clegg has already intimated that he and his Liberal Party would support the Conservatives or the party having the largest majority, meaning that our country will continue to be governed by the EU.