RE your headline, Nov 26: 96,000 Sick Days.

This bombshell of information put out by the NHS trust has all of us transfixed.

I would like to hear from someone unconnected with the NHS to explain to us to what section of the NHS Trust Areas in the North West, never mind the so-called national averages.

Anyone can juggle numbers about to suit their own agenda.

It looks suspiciously like the Trust is following the old trick of when you are in a hole, do something dramatic to deflect attention and try to blame someone else, in this case it’s the health workers.

The Trust whose work was recently described as being delivered with breathtaking managerial incompetence.

It has also been economical with the truth, the headline grabbing news about the Trust putting on a counsellors facility didn’t tell us that there already was a counselling facility in place but was closed down by the Trust in July ‘07 to save money.

Its shortcomings over time are a matter of public record.

The mistake that I think will bring meltdown for the NHS in this area, is the effect on the BRH of closing the A&E facility at Burnley.

I have personal experience of a visit to the BRH A&E on Sept 20 ‘09.

It was absolute bedlam. The waiting area was crowded with more people coming in and this was a Sunday afternoon.

The staff were run ragged. I felt sorry for them.

It was nearly seven hours waiting till I saw a doctor.

My treatment by the medical staff was superb. The catchment area now for the BRH A&E is overwhelming the hospital.

It needs to be sorted, quickly.

EDDIE DUXBURY, Arthur Way, Blackburn