I was amazed to read your article in the Lancashire Telegraph dated 26th November headlined ‘New Links for Area to the Town Centre’ about the provision by Transdev of a bus service along Whalley range to be called the ‘Whalley Ranger’.

I have no objection about the provision of this service as it will benefit many people, my grandchildren included as they live on St James Road.

Why, however, did Transdev have to call it ‘The Whalley Ranger’ and charge a flat rate of £1 when service users in other areas are paying fares in excess of this and yet Transdev complain that they are running buses at a loss!

Their No. 2, which used to serve Guide, now costs £1.30 single and £2.20 return just from the Boulevard to the hospital and £2.10 for Darwen people using this service to get the hospital.

Surely any concessions would benefit hospital patients and their relatives. I fully expect there will be some who will think that I am against the service because of the area it will serve, but as previously stated I have no objection to the service as I have family and many friends living in the area for whom the service will be of benefit.

It is only the title ‘The Whalley Ranger’ and the publicity of the fares which I think will be objectionable to those other communities who have recently lost or had their bus services reduced.