Blackburn Sea Cadets wish to thank all those kind people who contributed in any way to enable us to make a substantial amount of money during our week in the Blackburn Charity Shop on Penny Street.

Donations of goods from the general public, friends and neighbours, plus a substantial contribution from our sponsors, Sainsbury’s Darwen Store, all sold well and we are extremely grateful.

It would be most remiss of me not to accentuate our utmost appreciation to those who gave their precious time and energy to help in the shop.

Thanks also to the lady who gave a special donation by cheque.

To you all who patronised the shop and gave most generously, the cadets are deeply appreciative and we look forward to our next tenancy from February 14, 2010. See you then, we hope.

Note: We would be grateful for information regarding the gentleman who donated the model ship and associated items. Please contact the unit.

E M Eastham, Hon Sec, Management Committee, TS Mohawk Blackburn Unit SCC