SO Mr Brown has apologised to children sent to Australia over 40 years ago.

Why? What part did he or his administration play in this dreadful business? None.

This is an attempt by Mr Brown to earn some goodwill with the electorate. Sorry, Mr Brown, you and your Government are politically dead men walking. It is too late.

If Mr Brown is in an apologetic mood, why doesn’t he apologise for things for which the Blair/Brown administration have been responsible?

He could start with the decision to take us to war, illegally, in Iraq.

We all know this was based on a pack of lies formulated by Alastair Campbell, and resulted in the loss of many thousands of lives, including those of British servicemen.

He could continue by apologising for the economic mess he has got us into, meaning that our children and grandchildren will be paying off our debts for years to come.

And for reneging on a specific promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

These are just some of the obvious examples of how 12 years of New Labour government has brought the country to its knees. Indeed, idf New Labour had started out with the intention of ruining the country, it could not have donwe a better job.

F W BIRCH, Dawson Ave, Burnley.