I read with interest the story about the new bus service around the Whalley Range area.

While I welcome all additions to public transport, especially to areas that have no service, I know, unfortunately, this will be of little comfort to all those people in other areas that have either lost their service, or have had it reduced or replaced by non-low-floor buses.

I hope this service is a success but I would call on the Tory-led coalition council and Transdev to ensure they work with all local councillors and residents to look at innovative ways that could meet the needs of those residents who have been badly affected by the recent cuts to services.

I am aware that an all-party group, initiated originally by the Labour Group, is currently looking at some of these issues.

However, though agreed last March, the group is only just beginning its work.

Why has it taken so long for the Coalition to get this under way when the elderly, disabled and many others are suffering now?

I note that, on the picture promoting this new bus service, was Councillor David Foster, Executive Member for Adult Services.

Maybe Councillor Foster will join with me and others who have been lobbying for the restoration of a decent bus service on behalf of these residents, in particular the elderly and those with disabilities.

Some of these people have been advised to use the new Community Transport, which replaced Dial a Ride and Community Wheels.

But the experience of many using this service has been of a poor and unreliable service as well as finding difficulty getting through to the service.

Maybe Councillor Foster could start by addressing these problems.

Councillor Maureen Bateson, Ewood Ward.