FURTHER to the article “Snowball boy 'arrested' by driver” (LT, December 4) although I do agree with Mr Wood that it probably was an over-reaction from the driver of the car that was hit, I can fully understand why he did what he did.

I myself was driving along Shadsworth Road earlier this week with my two daughters who are four and six when a snowball was hurled at my car hitting the window where my youngest daughter was seated.

She was crying her eyes out and when I looked all I saw were kids just laughing.

So I say to Mr. Wood when you say, you have never heard anyone say it is acceptable to bundle a youngster into a car, which I agree wholeheartedly with, when did it become acceptable for disrespectfull 'kids' to throw snowballs at moving vehicles, because yes it can cause accidents.

Irate driver, Blackburn, via email