I FIND it absolutely ridiculous that the proposal for 150 homes for Pole Lane, Darwen, has been given any thought at all. With the housing slump, there are more than enough houses for sale and people unable to sell them. I have lived off Pole Lane for the past eight years. It is a very busy road.

Many lorries use this road and it is also used as a cut through for people getting to the motorway, bypassing Darwen town centre – which is why a speed indicator was put there.

It is a busy and dangerous road.

To then put a further 150 houses, equating to at least 200 extra cars is ridiculous.

In addition why must building take place on green land? There is much derelict land in the area which should be used before any green land is destroyed. This is the greed of the landowners at fault, as well as the council for allowing it.

I have had no leaflet detailing any proposals from the Ruttle Group or any invite to any meeting.

The article stated that in 1991 an application for a 30-room old people’s home was refused on this land.

I think I would prefer this to a 150-house estate.

C KENYON, Thorncliffe Drive, Darwen