THE letter (Oct 25) "Mandelson Setting Poor Standards" I found more than interesting and Iagree with Mr Cannon and would like to take this subject a stage further.

I think it would be true to say that 95% of MPs are only concerned with money and power. I do believe there are many dedicated and hard-working councillors but again there are those that are not. After all, you only have to look at the atrocious state of Blackburn to understand there is something fundamentally wrong.

How often have you heard that letters sent to MPs and councillors by constituents have never been answered? Red tape and bureaucracy makes it very difficult for the man in the street to contact them.

These politicians of course will tell you they are doing a good job. The litmus test for this is: why are the people in this country in such a mess? The answers – grossincompetence, lack of moral fibre and ethics plus negligence at the highestlevel.

We need a giant of a man or woman to rear up in the world of politics tocorrect what is wrong with this country and I fear that this human being does not exist.

Chris Eggleston, Quebec Road, Blackburn