FURTHER to the Creation v Evolution debate, I would like to reply to Ken Robinson’s letter.

Mr Robinson, as Christian believers, we are bound to believe the Holy Bible as true.

According to our bible, God did create the world in six literal days, as it says in Genesis 1, contrary to what the evolutionists say Evolution is a man-made myth to try to discredit God and His creation of all things in the world. Charles Darwin was an unbeliever as such. Evolution has become a kind of religion in its own right by unbelievers and God-haters. Therefore, they have no credibility or authority over the bible.

Mr Robinson, there is no time state with God and Eternity. The world was created in time, in six days. Adam and Eve were created perfect in God’s image before the fall. Since the fall (into sin and death) we are in the image of the 1st Adam, hence why we are all born sinners. We have only a free will to sin all the time in our unregenerate natural state. When we are regenerated (born again), spiritually, by the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus (who is our second Adam) through belief of the Gospel, we have passed from sin and death (natural time-state) into Life (eternal state).

To try to combine Creation with the so-called science of evolution is absurd. We can’t have evolved from apes because God says that every creature was created after their kind. The evolutionists and unbelievers are trying to make monkeys out of Christianity. That is why we should not give them any respect, and not listen to their infantile arguments.

Anyone not Christians are immediately suspect. The best way to deal with such people is by using the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

Let them howl and protest all they like, the Lord will deal with them in due time, hopefully by conversion to Him. We need such God-fearing warriors in our churches today.

PASTOR K W MILLS, Glenfield Close, Blackburn.