I am absolutely amazed at Dr Paul Withers’s letter relating to the variety of sexual activities that take place on public roads where he actually appears to be condoning it and openly encouraging it.

Stones Bank Road in North Turton is a definite no-go area at night for any law-abiding citizen. Cars cruise up and down the road constantly, which is often used during the day as a lay-by, and also as a pick up area.

At night it is a different picture and anyone daft or brave enough to traverse it – in particular a lone woman driver like myself attending a meeting in Belmont or Tockholes – would be afraid and intimidated.

If my car broke down or I had a puncture, to be truthful I am not sure how I would deal with the situation as there is no mobile phone signal along that stretch of road.

I have seen in the past drivers in lorries that have curtains on, standing up with their interior lights on, totally nude; men at the side of the road blatantly performing sex acts; couples in cars participating in dogging and various other activities. And yes, I believe that these people are perverts.

The woodland surrounding the area is full of condoms and needles and this used to be a beautiful area for people to walk in.

Also, before you ask, I have spoken to the police about this many times and without support from very senior officers they appear to be powerless.

I have been a school governor at Belmont School for eight years and my journey from Edgworth to Belmont takes me along this notorious stretch of road, which over the years has seen a considerable increase in these type of activities – thanks in part to the internet.

I recently resigned as a governor of a school which I have had great pleasure being involved with, because I am afraid to travel along the road in the evenings to meetings.

I challenge Dr Withers to spend some time in the day or evening in the lay-by area of Stones Bank Road in his car to see what really is going on and wonder what he will say when he is propositioned!

COUN JEAN RIGBY (North Turton with Tockholes).