IF ONE million ‘loft insulators’ insulated the ‘uninsulated’ lofts of the whole UK, on a basis of let’s say just two per day, Gordon Brown’s masterplan to tackle unemployment (LT, October 16) would employ his army of insulators for less than a month!

To suggest training will be firstly required, stinks of yet more bureaucracy. How difficult can it be to unroll a few packages of insulation?

The training, manufacture, distribution and not least, the vast hoards of pen-pushing, box ticking, bureaucrats will, at the very least, weigh heavily against any energy savings.

Unemployment is unemployment, whichever schemes or programmes the deluded PM cares to come up with will have to be paid for by the remaining workforce.

To suggest that the UK’s unemployment level is less than that of America, Germany, France and Italy, bears very little real comparison, due to a decade of cooking the books to make it appear so. In reality, the UK has the highest percentage of people claiming benefits! Not all, the minority in fact are classed as unemployed.

Gordon Brown’s Britain would have us all eventually job sharing, working the minimum 16 hours per week, therefore not unemployed and one job spread between three or four different statistics/people. This however, puts the majority on top-up benefits.

Good for the PM’s unemployment myth, but hardly good for Britain’s economy.

ROBIN JAMES EVANS, British National Party.