THE cheek of regeneration councillor Alan Cottam commenting on pensioners’ free bus passes (LT, October 23).

He said that the scheme had led to a waste of taxpayers’ money.

I would like to ask Coun Cottam how much taxpayers’ money this council wastes year in year out on its harebrained ideas?

No doubt I will be met with a deafening silence.

And, while we are talking about the wasting of taxpayers’ money, perhaps a good idea would be for all councillors to take a cut in their allowances, which we the taxpayers’ pay. Not all pensioners can afford a car, and some can’t drive and, the free bus pass is the only way some pensioners can get out and about.

I think your remarks, Coun Cottam, were totally out of order. And, as I don’t know your age, are you 60 years old or over and using a free bus pass? And if you aren’t over 60 years of age, are you driving round in a car creating yet more carbon footprints?

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.