GORDON Brown’s ‘National Day’ seems to have died the death it deserved.

England HAS a National day.

It is called St George’s Day However, as the vast majority of the New Labour Party seem to be Scots, it is not surprising that this ‘National Day’ has disappeared under a welter of anti-English sentiment that has seen our elected representatives doing their best to destroy national pride.

It is the right of every Englishman to fly his national flag under constitutional reforms aiming “to give British people a stronger sense of what it means to be British”.

Yet our councillors try to pass bylaws banning the practice in case it upsets people who don’t consider themselves to be English.

Why is it considered racist to be English? You cannot fill a form in with your nationality as English – it has to be “British”.

Gordon Brown has promised the Bank of England will not produce any more coins bearing Britannia on the obverse (26 Jan 2008), I suppose the red ‘plus’ cross will disappear from the Union Flag if the Scots stay in power much longer.

LIONEL ANTHONY, via email.