I NEVER cease to be amazed. Fall just one payment behind on your council tax then expect a threatening council tax reminder in your post.

Out of my small state pension I’m forced, with the threat of imprisonment if I don’t, to pay over £20 in every £100 towards the council employees’ pension pot. That averages out at almost £300 for every ratepayer. That’s £4.46billion a year.

Now, at a time when many workers in the private sector are being laid off or having to work fewer hours, I see civil servants are to strike in November, wanting a wage rise even though, on average, they get higher pay than those in the private sector.

The majority of civil servants have been on a gravy train for years – generous wages, perks and a gilt-edged pension on retirement. No wonder our rates are so high. Council tax now costs me more than my combined utility bills.

If council strikers are looking for a mascot to use could I recommend a milch-cow. It would be quite appropriate at a time when many people are hurting due to the economic downturn, credit-crunch and a very uncertain future.

If I, and millions more, have to cut back, so can local councils.

Isn’t democracy wonderful?

BERT HARDWICK, Queensway, Waddington.