PEOPLE I’m afraid tend to be creatures of habit. With this in mind it came as no surprise to me that Gordon Brown announced that he (read that as we) is about to borrow several squillion pounds to bail us out of economic meltdown. But hang on a minute, didn’t a lending and borrowing too much culture land us in this mire in the first place?

Well maybe I’m a bit behind the times and am missing the financial point, maybe not being in debt up to my eyeballs has something to do with this.

But then again I’m lulling myself into a false sense of security as I’m actually very, very seriously in debt.

This is because a few years back dear Gordon as Chancellor of the Exchequer said on TV that we (me included again) have borrowed £47billion.

Leader of the opposition at the time Michael Howard challenged this at Prime Minister’s question time saying that if we were doing as well as they said we were, why was the Labour Government borrowing so much money.

Obviously he didn’t get a straight answer, but I did think that he had a valid point.

This led me to think how much money £47billion actually is.

So I worked it out (if you have ever experienced the struggle of car repayments, you’re going to love this one).

If for ease of calculation purposes you agreed that new 10 foot long car is £10,000, laid end to end £47billion (4.7 million cars) would stretch some 8,900 miles.

This would measure in a straight line south from here near enough to Antartica!

The weekly interest on this borrowed money is probably enough cars to fill a lap of the M25.

He borrowed this money on my behalf without asking. Not even a polite phone call to see if it was OK.

Now he’s about to do it again!

Like I said at the beginning, people tend to be creatures of habit.

I live in the hope that his incessant borrowing on my behalf is a nasty habit he intends to break soon.

Funny thing is, I can’t actually remember voting for him.

NATHAN R JOHNSTONE, Cranshaw Drive, Blackburn.