IN reply to Paul Sim’s letter last week, regarding science in religion.

Mr Sims, you talk bunkum when you state that evolution by natural selection is a scientific fact. There is simply no proof at all.

It is a figment of arrogant minds who hate God and His wonderful creation of man and the world.

It is no new thing, many atheists like you, some with far superior brains, have arrogantly dismissed God throughout the ages.

It matters not what you think or disbelieve because people like you come and go and you know what, the bible is still with us.

The bible is more than just a book, it tells us of man’s origin and the entrance of sin into the world.

I am willing to wager that you have not studied the bible in depth or you would not be so ignorant .

If you have not, then what makes you more qualified than many Christian ministers who have studied the bible for years?

All you have in your defence is opinions of scientists who refuse to believe in the creation of the world by God.

As for science being the world’s saviour, dream on all you atheists. Science is more likely to destroy the world if anything.

How? It has invented nuclear bombs and there are many unstable scientists willing to drop them on us.

Scientists know nothing of spiritual things. We humans are made of body, soul and spirit, by God himself.

Science is a dead end. Long live God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.

PASTOR KEVIN W MILLS, Glenfield Close, Blackburn.