IN the report about the leaked draft recommendation that the police should adopt a more relaxed attitude toward sexual activity in public toilets and in what are now officially referred to as “public sex environments” the LT quoted the Conservatives’ Shadow Home Secretary, Dominic Grieve as saying: “The law is the law and there should be no exceptions.”

My reading of Section 71 of the 2003 Sexual Offences Act tells me that if any person, regardless of their sex or sexual orientation, masturbates whilst alone in a locked and intact toilet cubicle, then that person becomes liable to six months imprisonment.

Is that what people want? Is that what Dominic Grieve wants? Does Mr Grieve really know what the law is in this area?

If he or anyone else can convince me that my interpretation is wrong, then I will gladly apologise..

ALAN HORSFALL, Longcauseway, Farnworth, Bolton.