AFTER reading Nick Nunn’s column (LT, October 14) about the state of our local rail service, I just couldn’t agree more with him.

It has happened to me many times in the past before I started driving, and the way he describes the Colne-Preston-Blackpool South Service – gives me the impression that it is no worse to spend an hour at the dentist.

I have noticed over the years that other areas round Britain have new, slick modern smooth trains with plenty of room and are very comfortable to travel in.

But here on the East Lancashire line to Colne, we seem to be still in a time warp with ageing rolling stock and a service which more often than not fails to keep to time.

I think it is time for a revamp including new rolling stock and new new infrastructure.

Considering the towns the East Lancashire line serves, surely modern, smooth trains that take the stress out of travel are the only way forward – and to give the line from Colne to Blackpool South a chance to survive.

M HIBBERT, Ivan Street, Burnley.