I WRITE in response to Bernard Taylor’s letter ‘Man who lost job had repaid his debt to society’ (LT, October 13).

I largely agree with what Mr Taylor wrote, particularly regarding the poor treatment Mr Standring has received.

However, I cannot agree with what he said about the comments posted on the LT website.

He said he “did not detect any trace of charity, fair play or concern for this man who had lost his job.”

This was both untrue and unfair.

So for the benefit of those who do not read the LT online, I thought it appropriate to highlight some of what contributors actually posted on the same day the story ran.

Akon, Padiham wrote: “There are councillors and MPs with criminal records, what’s the difference?

“He has served his time, why should he be penalised again?

“Did he cause any trouble to his new employers?”

Andy1, Burnley, wrote: “Though Akon and I disagree on many a subject, he has got this one right.

“Give this bloke a chance and give him his employment back, let him prove he is a reformed character.”

Mr Taylor, your letter was excellent in its delivery, so it was very disappointing to read the inaccurate description of comments which were clearly in support of Mr Standring.

Play fair.