WHEN giving evidence in a court of law in the UK the witness is required to affirm or swear on a bible that they ‘will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.’ The expression ‘the whole truth’ is recognition that it is just as deceitful to omit evidence as it is to distort it.

By this criterion your Saturday sermoniser the Rev Kevin Logan was being deceitful when he referred to an organisation called ‘the European Centre for Law and Justice’ having well and truly rapped the knuckles of an international Education Committee that proposed a ban on teaching creationism and intelligent design.

The European Centre for Law and Justice is neither a just nor legal body but an offshoot of the American Centre for Law and Justice created by the Religious Right in the USA which, in the teeth of all objective evidence, persists in the preposterous belief that the universe was created 6,000 years ago.

They are the modern equivalent of the medieval flat earthers who persecuted Galileo.

It is doubtful whether the alleged victims of knuckle-rapping even noticed their alleged punishment.

BILL PINDER, Bambury Avenue, Oswaldtwistle.