I HAVE read over recent days with absolute amazement the conversion of the Peel House Medical Centre, Avenue Parade, Accrington, by the Primary Care Trust to a drink and drug rehabilitation unit.

Whilst I appreciate places are required for these people, I would like to make the following comments.

Over the last two to three years there has been a steady influx of children to this area.You can see quite a significant number of children aged about six to 13 playing.

This is a residential area and I feel children must be protected to the best of all our abilities at all times and grow up in what is considered normal circumstances.

I would ask the Primary Care Trust: In view of residents’ concerns for the children will the trust accept full and unconditional responsibility should anything untoward happen to our children caused by locating the drug centre here?

I have no doubt the facility at Burnley is nice and well managed, but I am reliably informed it is not in a residential area like ours.

There are other buildings in the vicinity that could be converted. What about the one on Blackburn Road, is this fully occupied?

With a slight rearranging of facilities at the existing PCT locations these people could easily be encompassed with the minimum disruption to local residents, if any.

Would the PCT consider discussing other uses for the premises?