ABOUT 200 years ago, approximately half of all the folk who lived in Kettlewell were called Wiseman.

In the 1850s looking for employment most “emigrated” to Burnley and from there, across the north.

Most people called Wiseman living in Lancashire or Yorkshire can trace their roots to Kettlewell.

In 1850, dozens remained in Kettlewell. Even in the 1920s a third of the village schoolchildren were called Wiseman! Today there is just one member of the Wiseman family in the village – Mrs Vera Wiseman.

Last year an attempt to bring Wisemans back to Kettlewell, the Rev and Mrs David Wiseman of Skipton, organised a Wiseman Weekend in the village.

Last July 150 members of the family came from as far away as New Zealand, South Africa and Canada.

It was such a success that the exercise is being repeated from July 17 to 19, 2009.

Already planned is a tour of the village retracing where members of the family lived, a hike showing the lead mine where many of the family worked, a treasure trail of the village, an exhibition of Wiseman memorabilia, hints and help on how to trace your Wiseman roots, two family meals, when everyone will sit down together in the village hall and even a service at St Mary’s Church, where over the years hundreds of the Wiseman family were baptised, married and buried.

Any member of the Wiseman family interested in attending, should get in touch with me on 01756 797443 or at davidwiseman1@sky.com REV DAVID WISEMAN.