WHILE the world is focused on the economic crisis and the impact that is having on businesses and individuals, in typical EU (and Gordon Brown’s government) under-handed manner they have re-introduced the EU flag as well as the European anthem, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”.

These were the very symbols that were dropped by the EU leaders in an attempt to allay people’s fears that they were planning to create a Federalist European Super State, as they prepared to force the “Lisbon Treaty” onto 500 million people of the 27 member states.

The EU will stop at nothing to get its own way, as we have seen when the Irish rejected the Lisbon Treaty when they voted NO in their referendum, (something that we were denied by our so-called government, even though it was promised in their election manifesto).

Now the EU is determined to bully them into a second referendum, so that they vote “Yes”.

The vote in the European Parliament on October 9 was typical of the duplicitous workings of the self-serving bureaucrats that now rule us.

They hate democracy which is why they will never accept a “No” vote.

So why should we believe Gordon Brown and his “red lines” which are supposed to protect our veto and what remains of our sovereignty ?

Both the EU and our own government have lied to us and continue to do so as they build their anti-democratic EU Super State.

PHILIP GRIFFITHS, North West Chairman UK Independence Party.