WHILST I agree with the original sentiments re computers as expressed in the “comment” column of Tuesday, October 7, I completely disagree with the closing statements.

There is too much emphasis placed on computer literacy in the early years of education.

Time and again it has been shown that children need more teaching and practice in basic subjects: maths, spelling, sentence construction, the use of English etc. In other simple words, the three Rs.

These things are the foundation blocks to virtually everything else, simple history, geography, science – you name it.

When children have a better grasp of spoken and written English, then some interesting teaching can open up huge vistas to them.

Apart from the financial outlay involved, children should only be exposed to computer techniques in school during the last year of junior school life.

In the opinion of many, there is too much emphasis being put on the financial support of certain sections of the community re child welfare and the rest.

Many think that child allowance, for example, should only be paid to the first two children in any relationship.

This would probably have a salutory effect on a number of sociological problems MR R BRACEWELL, Ormerod Street, Worsthorne, Burnley.