In a recent edition of your paper, you asked for opinions on the opening of a rehabilitation centre for drug and alcohol abusers on Avenue Parade Accrington.

No one but the severely mentally impaired would think that it is acceptable to open such a place in a residential area.

No one wants to leave their home and know that they are likely to bump into people who are drunk, stoned or on their way to get their next fix.

Who would want their children to play our in an area where all the local druggies and alcoholics are likely to be visiting? The values of properties in the area are sure to fall, and as no one will want to move into such an area (with the possible exception of drug addicts and alcoholics) houses will be unsellable.

Only the Primary Care Trust will think that this idea is OK, but then it will not be on their doorsteps.

Having had recent dealings with the trust on another matter, I can say that the ‘care’ part of their name is a misnomer, because quite frankly, they don’t!

Very Angry Resident, via email