IT REALLY is unfortunate that single childless and low income earners will be hit by the 10p tax change.

The last thing we need is to create the benefit trap where people are better off on benefits than they are in work. However, for the Conservatives to pretend they care about low earners is just making political capital.

I remember when the Tories were in power they refused to bring in the national minimum wage saying that so many low paid jobs would be lost, we all know, this is not the case.

I just don't understand why the Government is taxing low paid people more. I am not in favour of this change. We all know that food, energy and petrol are all going through the roof. People on £40,000 plus should be taxed a little more as they have a bit more scope than those on low income.

I think it is absolutely vital that low earners are compensated. By abolishing the 10p rate, it narrows the gap between low paid workers and those claiming benefit.

This gap should be increased at every opportunity, so that work really does pay and living off benefits becomes far less attractive.

COUN SALIM MULLA (via email)