WE WOULD like to set the record straight regarding facts contained in your coverage of bottled water.

You are right to point out that bottled water is extremely popular.

Indeed, many people make an informed choice to drink bottled water, acknowledging that it is one of the healthiest and most convenient ways to stay hydrated throughout the day, including when out and about.

However, you neglect to mention bottled water producers' positive environmental record. For example, in the past 15 years, the weight of PET bottles - all recyclable - has been reduced by 30 per cent and recycling rates are growing by 40 per cent a year.

Also, the majority of bottled water is sourced from UK producers and bottled water accounts for just 0.03 per cent of the nation's carbon footprint.

Putting this into context, figures from Defra show that the carbon footprint of tomatoes is 45 times greater and 160 times greater for beef.

It is also wrong to describe tap water as "pure" as it is treated with chemicals. In contrast people like the fact that natural mineral and spring waters are not treated with chemicals, which means they have a pure taste.

We totally agree that people should have a choice between bottled water and tap water, but they should be allowed to make an informed choice based on all the facts.

RICHARD LAMING, Communications Director, Bottled Water Information Office, Stukeley Street, London.