ON December 23, I parked my car in Bridge Street, Blackburn in a non-designated area using my blue badge.

A traffic warden had advised me six months earlier that I could park there all day should I wish to, a dial-a-ride driver confirmed this at the time.

I returned to my car with my shopping only to find I had a ticket for £30 again, my third in 12 months.

I read this ticket which said I was only allowed three hours, I sent them a cheque with a letter appealing and repeating what I had been told.

I also sent the same letter to the other address asking for an explanation and my cheque returned. The cheque was cashed within days, no reply received.

As Blackburn with Darwen parking wardens have made it perfectly clear that disabled drivers are no longer welcome to park in Blackburn, I now do my shopping anywhere but Blackburn.

I wonder how many other drivers this new regeneration has affected?

L FULTON, Holmbrook Close, Blackburn.