DID someone mention parking? Parking Fees: compare these - Accrington free, Stockton free first three hours, all day fees for Cheadle 80p, Warrington £1.20p and then there's Blackburn - 90p per hour!

Parking fee enforcement: Southport (Sefton Council) following a recent incident of contesting a parking ticket with proof of payment covering same, and the fact that the fine was then rescinded could be considered fair' - however no such luck with BWDBC, but then they need all the money they can get for the next round of things they are about to enforce on us, not to mention their own perks of course!

When is BWDBC going to emerge from the fog and acknowledge the shambles their councils and associates have made of this once great town called Blackburn over recent years?

Will they not realise until it is too late and they have turned this town into a derelict nonentity, and bankrupted all its once thriving traders?

Church Street: How can we justify any expenditure for such cosmetic trivia, and then 12 months down the line rip it all up to do...to do what?

Darwen Street: A large part of the recent new paving has been destroyed and replaced by an unsightly and badly botched tarmac inlay following some underground work, who has allowed this to happen and why?

Barbara Castle Way: The only town centre ring road in Britain that starts in town, ends in town and has a traffic light junction with every side street it was originally intended to avoid?

PHILIP LANG, via email.