I SYMPATHISE completely with Graham Brunton, the Blackburn with Darwen Council mayor's officer who has been told his salary will be cut (LT, January 8).

I am sure he does a wonderful job, but so do many others.

I sympathise even more with my own daughter, and all the other admin staff, who are all victims of this salary cut.

It is a dreadful and scandalous situation they are in.

Do the powers that be not realise the devastating effect this could have on these families, with children to provide for and mortgages to pay.

Also many of these unfortunate workers can't help but feel demeaned, depressed and devalued.

To know that in 12 months' time their salary will be cut for doing the very same job they are now doing, can only have a belittling effect.

I would be straight out of the door. Add to that, many of their colleagues are having huge salary rises and some are actually gloating over the situation with not an ounce of sympathy for their workmates.

This can only undermine the victims' own value.

So, let's hope that all those councillors supporting Mr Brunton, especially council leader Colin Rigby, who is looking into anomalies' of the settlement, bear in mind all the other unfortunate workers also in Mr Brunton's situation.