DEMOCRACY is the best revenge' - select words at a time of political turmoil, but to be catapulted to prominence surely goes against the principles of true democratic values.

In a highly charged atmosphere a nation would be at a loss for direction and the benefit of the ballot box has to be weighed against stability and past record of elected parties.

The transition to a democratically functioning government can easily lead to failure when elected on bravado and a tide of emotions. Economic flexibility and management, international standing and internal cooperation are the keys.

Having said this, the scope of democracy is limited and has to be stage managed even in the western world and George Bush's election victory over Al Gore in 2001 has to be the prime example.

At a time of greater international suspicions and a looming recession with the drive for democracy being forced upon 'undemocratic' nations led by the US, divisions are sure to be exploited.

In the longer term the survival of democracy would rest on free trade and the mutual co-operation of all parties.

In its absence, sanctions and trade embargoes will soon see an end to the idea of democracy and the reinstallation of dictatorships.

MR N MOMONIAT, Blackburn.