COUN Brian Gordon has shown his ignorance when, in reply to Salim Mulla's (ill advised and unnecessary) letter re Harry Potter (LT, August 18), he says that young Muslims are being indoctrinated by "extremist Imams" and secondly when he attacks veil-wearing women.

If Coun Gordon has any evidence of "extremist Imams indoctrinating" in Blackburn (or anywhere else) then he should report the matter to the police.

If not then he should not make such generalised and ill-informed remarks and slur the wholly law-abiding and moderate thinking Imams of Blackburn, who incidentally recently helped organise an extremely well received Mosques open day in Blackburn.

As for the "black veiled apartheid in our town", I ask how can a tiny minority within a minority affect race relations to the extent that Coun Gordon and the likes of the BNP would have us believe?

These women are simply a convenient scapegoat, particularly when you know that the majority of Muslims do not wear a veil and are in fact, making an effort to promote integration, for example, sending their children to a "white" school, inviting white people to their weddings and at Eid celebrations, organising Mosque open days etc etc.

Why are all the positive efforts of the majority of Muslims being ignored yet the tiny minority veil-wearing, but perfectly law abiding, well mannered and pious women are always being blamed when we talk about race relations?

S MASTER (via email).