OUR meagre hourly bus service, Route 8B comprising five buses per day (last one from Blackburn town centre 2.15pm and none at all on Saturday and Sunday) is now to be axed all together.

The nearest service for people from around Queen's Road is on Audley Range. The reason given is the new buses will be unable to run this route because of congestion etc.

The real reason is it is not profitable because of the small number of people using it.

But people who do use it, being mostly elderly, really need it. Our social life and shopping needs are ignored.

If the service will not run unprofitable routes, in spite of being able to subsidise them from the profitable routes, eg Accrington, as Blackburn Council used to do), ours will not be the only route to suffer.

As ratepayers we have a right to a service and it is up to the council to see that it is provided.

MRS SHEILA GLEAVE, Queens Road, Blackburn.