I SEE the ubiquitous Councillor Mulla is intent on apportioning blame to all and sundry for the Iraq War (Letters, August 24).

However, I find it confusing that he obviously did not want Saddam ruling Iraq, but blames those who toppled him.

He also makes no mention of the Muslims who are now killing their fellow Muslims, nor for that matter those who perpetrated 9/11 and provoked the USA to retaliate in the first place.

Sadly, the latter chose the wrong target and failed to predict the mayhem which would be unleashed when the brutal restraint of Saddam was removed.

I am no apologist for American actions in Iraq.

However, despite their undoubted misjudgements, we must not forget that it is not the Americans who are our enemies, it is fanatical Muslims who hate the West and wish to destroy our way of life.

These people cannot be appeased, they must be fought, but not in Iraq.

We should bring our troops home as soon as possible. I do not wish to see any more young British soldiers die for this cause or for people who despise them.

J N PLUMMER, Accrington.